Pigeon Removal Services

We Get YOUR Pigeon PROBLEMS Under Control

  • Affordable Pricing
  • Free On-Site Estimates

Effective Pigeon Control

Pigeons are an absolute nuisance and can do significant property damage.

They’re noisy, messy, and their droppings can carry dangerous diseases and parasites.

Got Pigeons is here to help! We will remove all pigeons from your property, clean up the mess, then install hardware to make sure they never come back.


PIGEON PREVENTION FOR Eaves, Overhangs, Alcoves, Pop-outs, Beams, RAIN GUTTERS & Window Sills

In fact, anywhere a pigeon or any bird chooses to make it’s home, we can install hardware to keep them out for good.

Whether you have an infestation now and need it cleaned up, or you want to get ahead of the birds and prevent them from ever perching and nesting, we will make sure they can’t gain access to any areas on your home that appeal to them.

We can prevent pigeon infestations from happening on any home, business, or industrial site. If you already have pigeons, now is the time to call and let us get it all sorted out.

We Specialize in Solar Panel Bird Proofing

Your solar panel warranty is safe since our methods and materials are recognized by all major solar companies.

We respect your property and take extra care when working on your roof and around your solar panels. Give us a call today for a free estimate, and eliminate your pigeon problem for good!
We Protect Rooftop Air Conditioners from Pigeons

Pigeons really like areas of cover and shade. They also like to perch as high up as possible to keep an eye out for predators. This makes your rooftop air conditioner unit a perfect place for them to invade and stick around.

Do you have pigeons living under, on, and or around your rooftop air conditioner? We will scare the pigeons away, then install roofing friendly materials to make sure they can’t live under or around your rooftop unit anymore.

We’re licensed and insured.

Making homes pigeon free with a solid guarantee. Cleanup, prevention & control.


We get businesses free of pigeons from signs, storefronts, and roofs.

Why you should call us if you have pigeons

Pigeons are Messy, Destructive, and Can Make You Very Sick!

A pigeon infestation can destroy your roofing, cause deterioration to your home, and even kill your plants and trees.

Not only are Pigeon feces very acidic, their droppings can carry several dangerous diseases and parasites as well. If left unchecked, there’s a real potential to track feces into your home, putting your family and pets at risk of a serious illness.

Our Pigeon Abatement Process

Clean Up Comes First

Pigeons scavenge for nest building materials and use their own solid waste as “building mortar”. This makes clean-up a potential health hazard due to the disease and parasites pigeons often carry.

We take great care to clean up all solid waste and remove it completely so you don’t have to worry about coming in contact with any diseased waste. After removing all solid waste, we pressure wash the affected area to remove any evidence that pigeons were there.

Then We Keep Them From Coming Back

The key to removing an infestation permanently is to prevent birds from nesting and perching. Proper clean-up is the first step because pigeons will look for their own waste markings as a sign of a safe nesting area.

Once clean up is done, we then install spikes, wires, and barricades to prevent pigeons from finding a place to nest, lay eggs, or perch. When the problem areas are all cleaned up and treated with our roof and solar panel friendly hardware, pigeons will usually just move on.

Veterans Discount

If you’re a veteran and in need of any of our services, you get a discount! We’re veteran owned, provide excellent service for our customers, and want to give back to those who serve.

Give us a call at (623) 547-4618 and let us know you’re a veteran. Then just show your Military ID when we come out to work on your home.

Here’s A Few Testimonials
From Our Satisfied Clients
Matt Gasparro

I just want to thank Colin for his amazing professionalism and work ethics. He truly knows his business and I highly recommend him. He responded promptly to our request for bird protection around our Solar Panels. We had pigeons nesting under them and this was causing us some frustration with the mess they were making on and around our roof. Thank you again Colin for the amazing work.

Robin Jackai

Colin was fantastic and I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to get rid of their pigeon problem! We had a roof full of pigeons that set up under and around or solar panels. He was very prompt and reliable from our first interaction with him. Thank you again! 

Loddy Hansaya

Best decision we made this year! Colin was very professional and extremely knowledgeable. He did an outstanding job on cleaning out the pigeon waste and nests under our solar panels. He also pigeon proofed our solar panels by installing mesh netting. We are very pleased with the results. We would highly recommend Got Pigeons!

All Pigeon Removal Work is Guaranteed!

Once the work is completed and the pigeons have realized that their safe haven has been removed, they will simply find themselves a new property on which to roost.

We guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with the quality of our workmanship & materials. Should for any reason the pigeons return within 5 years after the job is completed, we will come back and re-address the problem at no extra cost to you.

Rest assured, we will get rid of your pigeons, and in so doing will once again return your home or place of business back to the clean, viable environment it had been prior to the infestation.

every job completed comes with an inspection video

Once we finish a pigeon removal job we create a video inspection of the work completed.

This gives our customers peace of mind knowing the job is done well and the pigeons will not come back. Our customers don’t have to climb up on a ladder to confirm the work was done making it more convenient and safe for them. Also, we usually perform a quick roof inspection while we’re up there so if there’s any issues, you’ll know.

Check out these sample videos of pigeon removal completion inspections to get an idea of the level of service our customers can consistently expect from Got Pigeons.